BOSTON—In August, Suzanna Buck joined NELC’s Boston office as the organization’s paralegal and office administrator.
Suzanna comes to NELC after completing a fellowship with Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente, an Argentinian non-profit, where she researched a variety of technical is- sues related to the environmental and public health impacts of mining, brick oven pollution, and climate change, and co-authored a manual designed to facilitate community engagement in the issues surrounding hydraulic fracturing (fracking). While in Buenos Aires, Suzanna also served as a paralegal on environmental issues at an Argentinian law firm, and as a writer for an online journal covering Argentinian affairs.
Suzanna is a 2014 graduate of Columbia University, where she majored in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. While at Columbia, she held a number of science-oriented internships and summer positions, and completed an evaluation for the New York City Parks Department of the effectiveness of “green roof” technology as a means of promoting sustainability.
These experiences led Suzanna to seek out a position with NELC. “I have increasingly come to believe that the only way to make significant headway on environmental issues is to change the behavior of major actors—governments and multinational corporations,” she notes. “And the best way to do that is to strengthen the laws and punish those who break them.”